Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Mary's Cooking News, November 29, 2005

Let me tell you what I did! For the first time in my life I cooked on television.

Rachel Goad and Melissa Jones at KTVE, Monroe, LA, invited me to appear on their Come-Cook-with-Us Spot at 6 am Monday, November 28, 2005, on Channel 10.
I went there and made a huge amount of Peter's Crawfish Quesadillas and Heidi's Butterfinger Pie. My friend and I left enough to feed the staff.

It was one of the best Christmas parties I've ever hosted. These recipes are easy and tasty enough to prepare for any party.

You can get the recipes at the Collard Patch blog or you can order a copy of Flavored with Love.

In the cookbook there are over 240 recipes by my family, my friends, and me. The recipes are Southern, Cajun, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Soul--just good eating!

Some people tell me they enjoy the stories as much as the recipes. The stories are nostalgic, funny, sad, ridiculous, and usually true.

My inventory of the second edition is low. Soon I'll need to revise it and have the book reprinted. I am really eager to move on to the third edition, but it is necessary to sell a few more copies of the second edition first.

If you will drop me an e-mail requesting this offer, I'll send you three books for the price of two. They are $14.95 each plus 8.5% tax if you live in Louisiana. If you need me to ship it, it is necessary to send $3.00 per book for shipping and handling. With this special buy-two-get-one-free offer, I'll ship the third one free.

For $29.90 (plus 8.5% tax of $2.54 and $6.00 shipping and handling--total of $38.44)you can receive 3 books.

This offer will be good only as long as the supply lasts.

If you go to the link listed below, you can use your credit card through PayPal or you can get my address and send me a check.

Get This Amazing Southern Cookbook, Flavored with Love, Now!

Please write me so I'll know you want the special offer. Let me know you read this note, and I'll send you thre books when you order two.

Also send me YOUR FAVORITE RECIPES at mcheatham@cox-internet.com.